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V.A.N.H is the pseudonym and experimentation platform used by visual artist Luciana Maia. Through V.A.N.H, she delves into vector synthesis, real-time generative art, and 2D/3D animation.

Originally from Brazil and now living in the Canary Islands, Luciana has embarked on various projects in Brazil, Madrid, Barcelona, Zaragoza, and Tenerife, where she has unleashed her unique artistic universe. She has actively participated in different initiatives such as Her Festival, Keroxen, Lab Imaginario, On the Roof, Fura dels Baus, Etopia, La Manta Fest, among others.

Her artistic approach revolves around the concept of digital anarchism and generative art. By blending different techniques, she creates visually stunning and intricate pieces with a dark and futuristic aesthetic. She transforms spaces into playful environments, recreates holographic displays with floating objects, and presents modern visuals that captivate the viewer.

contact: lumaia86@gmail.com
+34 664 894 406
Calle Candelaria, 5
Santa Cruz de Tenerife